We all experience seasons in life when we need some help, support or guidance. When your circumstances seem overwhelming or your mental health is declining,
it’s time to reach out for professional help.

No matter what you’re going through, my door is open for kind and compassionate conversation, in a safe and distraction-free environment.

Youth, Teens and Young Adults Counselling

I am passionate about working with teens and young adults to develop positive mental health.

The process of stepping out of childhood into the world of adults is taxing on young hearts and minds. Adolescents and teenagers  undergo rapid and significant physical, mental, and cognitive development and change in a short period of time. 

Teens and young adults may experience:

  • Low self esteem

  • Difficulty with communication and social skills

  • Challenging dynamics within their family

  • Struggles coping with stress or change

  • Low moods or depression

  • Pressure to perform academically or within the workforce

In a safe space, I help teens unpack their life experiences and equip them to build resilience and foster independent problem solving.

By creating an opportunity for personal growth, learning new skills and developing self understanding, teens and young adults will feel more prepared to negotiate their way through this pivotal and impactful point in their lives.

Anxiety Counselling

Anxiety is our body’s way of telling us that something is wrong and preparing us for difficult or unpleasant circumstances. Sometimes severe stress and anxiety manifests in a way that is counter productive and may have a limiting effect on how we live our lives.

Anxiety might look like:

  • Being constantly on alert for danger, even when no threat is present.

  • Avoiding people, places and circumstances that may trigger a panic attack.

  • Difficulty breathing and a raised heart rate when confronted with an obstacle.

  • Overthinking actions, decisions and conversations in the past, present or future.

  • Feeling exhausted due to almost always operating in flight, fright or freeze mode.

  • Experiencing extreme changes in sleep and eating patterns.

Therapy can often be a gentle and positive solution for the management of anxiety and  stress.

Individual counselling can be so beneficial for exploring what causes anxiety and stress to spike. As a qualified and experienced counsellor, I can equip you with coping strategies and guide you in overcoming your triggers and fears.

Depression Counselling

Depression looks and feels different for each person. It’s normal to feel appropriately sad and down sometimes for any number of scenarios that life may throw at us.  Other times, these feelings may seem to consume you and make everything feel too big or too hard.

Depression may look like:

  • Having little to no energy or motivation.

  • Withdrawing from friends, family, hobbies or entertainment.

  • Having trouble sleeping and feeling tired all the time.

  • Being irritable, irrational or moody and consistent feelings of worthlessness or guilt.

  • Having negative intrusive thoughts about yourself, the world and the future.

  • Having thoughts of self harm or suicide.

Counselling can help you comprehend and eventually heal from the particular elements that may be triggering seasons of depression and low moods.

Within my safe sessions, I want to help you face the trauma, grief or sadness that is feeling insurmountable, so that you can find grace for today and hope for tomorrow.

Grief & Loss Counselling

Sadly, grief is a guarantee in this life. It may be a death of a loved one, the loss of opportunity or a significant unforeseen change in circumstances. All these situations and more deserve to be grieved.

Grief may appear as:

  • Numbness and denial.

  • Other emotions such as anger, sadness, shock, guilt, and remorse.

  • Intense sorrow, pain and rumination over your loss.

  • Insomnia and trouble sleeping.

  • Poor appetite and sudden weight loss or gain.

  • Overwhelm with simple tasks and routines.

Therapy will help you name the loss you have experienced, give yourself permission to grieve and to rebuild your life on the other side.

You may feel like no one understands, but I am here to hold your hand during this season and to help lead you through to a brighter future.